World Scouting Jamboree Logo


With so many places to go, organized transportation will be a key service to keep the jamboree running. However, while buses may take you to specific activities, service projects, or high adventure sites, please remember that the main mode of transportation for everyone is walking. This information will cover how to get between major locations and some of the times that buses will be available.

The Jamboree has made many accommodations for those with special needs. This includes transportation. Please speak with a member of your subcamp leadership to learn more about these services.

Traffic Safety

It is essential that motor vehicles be used to transport materials, supplies, and certain staff through the jamboree site. To ensure that pedestrians stay safe, please follow these instructions:

  • Stay off the roadway except to cross.
  • Cross roadways at established crossing locations.
  • Stand back when emergency vehicles (with flashing lights) approach you.
  • Be aware that traffic drives on the right-hand side of the road in North America.
  • Do not chase or wave to buses for a ride.

Wheeled Transport Policy

The jamboree site is hilly, full of gravel, and has limited trail capacity. To ensure safety, no form of wheeled transportation (bicycles, unicycles, skateboards, skates, scooters, etc.) is permitted at the Summit outside of program areas. Wheeled transportation of this type may be confiscated by the Stewards Team.

Foot Power!

The most important mode of transportation at the jamboree is walking. The jamboree site is huge and you will need good shoes to get everywhere you want to go.

It is important to follow the trail systems built into the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Youth participants, unit leaders, and ISTs should not walk on the roadways (light stone colored) because there will be many large vehicles on the roadways to provide logistics.

Always be prepared with sufficient water and protection from the rain and sun. And always have your buddy with you.


Plan ahead so you do not walk farther than you have to! Here are some of the most important trails:

  • Trail 1—The most direct route to Mt. Jack from most locations
  • Trail 14—The most direct route up to the Big Zip Launch (uphill most of the way)
  • Trail 15—The most direct route to the east side of Adventure Valley (Kayaking and The Rocks)
  • Trail 20—The most direct route to the west side of Adventure Valley (Big Zip landing, Ropes, Low Gear)
  • Trail 21—The most direct route to The Barrels from anything east of AT&T Summit Stadium
  • Trail 23—The most direct route to Thrasher Mountain (The Park, The Trax, and The Bows) from most locations and better shaded than hiking trail 21 from the Jamboree Hospital Area


Your best route will vary, depending on where you are camping and where you are going. Each trail is numbered on your map, but there are many other helpful guides to ensure you find what you are looking for.

Street signs are large and rectangular and are found on tall poles near roads. They help vehicles get to major locations. Scouts are allowed to walk carefully on the sides of roads, but there are some roads that are totally off limits for safety reasons. Never walk on roads with warning signs that read “No Pedestrians Beyond This Point” or follow street signs that note “Vehicles Only.” Remember, they often are not the fastest way to your destination by foot.

Trail signs are on shorter posts and are found all along walking paths. Each one highlights the trail number, the path difficulty, the distance (in miles), and a list of places the path leads to. Trail difficulty is marked by a green circle (EASY), a blue square (MEDIUM), or a black diamond (HARD). Very few trails have black diamonds, and they are only marked this way because of grade, distance, terrain, and elevation. Use your map and smartphone to determine the fastest and most comfortable path for your group.

In addition to the guidebook, your pocket map, the jamboree app, the use Google Maps, and large maps posted at critical intersections, there will also be helpful volunteers along the way. Plan ahead, be smart, and if you feel lost, turn back or contact others for help.

Distances and Times

How long will it take me to get there? Check the following chart, which lists walking times for all major destinations. Simply find your current location on the left and your destination on the top. Then look at the box where these two locations meet; that box notes the number of minutes it will take you to get there.

You can also use this chart a second way. Find your current location on the right, and look at every number in that row. Small numbers are activities and places that are close to you. Large numbers are activities and locations that are far from you. To save time, maybe your group would like to do something fun nearby, especially if you just walked a long way from camp. Use this chart to find those options by reading the locations above each of the small numbers for your current row.

< Table scrolls left and right >

BAREThe Barrels (East)102070505030605035706565554565505545405012550
BARWThe Barrels (West)101080556020705530807070503555406035504013040
BOWThe Bows201070506015605520756060402545305525403012030
CANThe Canopy70807040506550457560101045559075204535407060
LGHGLow Gear / High Gear5060605015502056055354535406055353520309545
PARKThe Park302015654550555510705050301535204520352511020
ROCKThe Rocks60706050102055206050354035406060353520309545
ROPEThe Ropes5055554515555206045354030405555303015259545
TRAXThe Trax353020755560106060755555352040255530453511525
BZIPBig Zip Launch708075604055705045755060506080755050354511065
BCABase Camp A65706010253550353555551035456560103025256050
BCBBase Camp B65706010354550404055601035456560103025257050
BCCBase Camp C55504045253530353035503535153530302515259515
BCDBase Camp D45352555354015404020604545152015351025151105
BCEBase Camp E655545906060356055408065653520205530453512520
BCFBase Camp F504030755555206055257560603020204025403012015
APAction Point55605520253550353055501010303555403015257040
BCBoulder Cove4535254525352035303050303025103025301559015
HLHealth Lodge40504035102035201545352525152545401515158530
SVCScott Visitor Center405040301520352015404025251525404015155108030
TPTSTwelve Points5040304020302530253545252525153540255158520
MTJMt. Jack125130120708595110959511511060709510512512070908585115
PIGOTTJamboree Headquarters50403060404520454525655050155201540153020115

< Table scrolls left and right >

“Moderate” walking is defined as 3.0 mph (4.8 kph). This is equivalent to 20 minutes per mile (12.5 minutes per kilometer). “Brisk” walking is defined as a pace of 3.5 mph (5.6 kph). This is equivalent to 17 minutes per mile (10.5 minutes per kilometer).

Daily Shuttle Service

There are two jamboree action areas that are too far to easily walk to. Thus, participant shuttles will transport Scouts who wish to visit these outlying areas. These shuttles will run on a continuous loop, all day every day of the jamboree.

1. Upper Ridge Road (servicing The Oasis, The Bows, The Barrels West, The Barrels East)

2. Valley Loop Road (servicing Jack’s Landing East, The Ropes, Low Gear, The Rocks, Agra Fort, and Blenheim Palace)

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