Welcome from the Director of Program
The 24th World Scout Jamboree is going to be an extraordinary and unforgettable experience! On behalf of the entire Program Group, you are invited to come pedal, ride, zip, climb, swim, paddle, aim, trade, sing, cheer, grow, expand, and live like never before!
Hello from the United States! My name is Scott Beckett, the Program Director for the 24th World Scout Jamboree. Since 2015 I have been working with our amazing team on building the most memorable experience for all 43,000 of us who will come together in July 2019. Like many of you, I am no stranger to jamborees. My first one was in 1989 and I have been to every American national jamboree since then! Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in Japan, but I have seen many videos and heard so many amazing stories.
If you have not yet heard the news, the location for the 2019 WSJ is unlike any other in the world. The Summit Bechtel Reserve is a Scouting adventure paradise. Our hosts – Scouts Canada, the Boy Scouts of America, and Scouts Mexico – are delighted to be able to welcome everyone to the Summit. With everything from mountain biking to a sustainability tree house and from nearly every aquatic activity imaginable including SCUBA and skate parks, the Summit has more to do than you will have time to try. It is truly a magical place.
Even more exciting, though, is what we are developing for WSJ Program beyond what the Summit provides. This will be where the real magic of the 24th World Scout Jamboree happens. From the evening activities in base camps to the wild and amazing stadium shows to the leadership development program, WSJ 2019 will be unbelievable. What we know for certain is that it is the Scouts – all of you! – who make the jamboree the extraordinary event that it is. The anticipation and excitement I feel when I think of the 40,000 Scouts from 165+ countries coming together in West Virginia, USA for ten days of friendship, togetherness, learning, and fun makes my heart sing!
One word of warning for those of you who have attended previous World Scout Jamborees: our 2019 event will be different in many ways from past events. The Summit site is unique, though it is not large. At past jamborees, there have been kilometers of tents for various groups and offerings; we simply do not have the space for this sort of approach. We are consolidating how we deliver the power of the Global Development Village (GDV) and the World Scout Center, for example, to maximize the precious amount of ground we have for tents. 2019 will be unlike any WSJ that has ever been – mostly because of the amazing people who will attend.
For those NSOs attending the 2017 Study Visit in July, a clearer picture of the scope and magnitude of the Summit is available. For those not able to attend, YouTube and the internet have many videos, maps, and other resources. We are preparing to assist you in having the time of your life in July 2019!! Please let us know how we can help you with the planning for the event. Following the 2017 BSA national jamboree we will have a clearer picture of the realities of much of our program. Here’s to seeing you very soon at the 24th World Scout Jamboree!!
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