My name is Kent Clayburn and I serve as the Director for Operations for the 24th World Scout Jamboree. Over the past years, I have been involved with many international Scouting functions ranging from my volunteer roles in the Boy Scouts of America to having just completed my term on the Interamerican Regional Committee.

The operations function for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree includes managing all the sub camps, IST and contingent support. I am building an international team of volunteers to effectively serve the needs of each National Scouting Organization in attendance.

One advantage we have in using the Summit Bechtel Reserve as our camp for this World Jamboree is that the site is ready to go; water lines, shower houses, and camp sites have all been used by the BSA for the National Jamboree in 2013 and will again be used in the summer of 2017 from July 19th through July 28th. Should they choose to attend, Heads of Contingents will have an opportunity to see the site in action in 2017. Tico Perez, BSA National Commissioner, and I will serve as the hosts for the Study Visit Program.

Included with this edition of the New World News is the Study Visit Attendance form for your International Commissioner to complete so approved adults can join us at the Summit Bechtel Reserve for the Study Visit.

Here are some basic details:

Program with Study Visit Participants — July 24-25, 2017

  • Tour of the Summit Bechtel Reserve
  • Meeting to address questions
  • Enjoy the fellowship of Scouts and Scouters attending the BSA 2017 National Scout Jamboree
  • This visit has an arrival date of July 22, 2017, and a departure date of July 26, 2017

Please have your International Commissioner complete the Study Visit Program Attendance form and return it to the office of the 24th World Scout Jamboree by the end of May, 2017.

In this edition of the New World News, there are additional details of the Study Visit Program. I strongly encourage interested participants to review the article. Additional instructions on the schedule, what to bring, and what to expect will be sent directly to those who register for the Study Visit Program.

As the Director of Operations, I invite you and the Scouts of your NSO to Unlock a New World and join us for all the 24th World Scout Jamboree has to offer!


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