Visit from the US senators
On Monday 22 July 2019, United States Senators Joe Manchin and Shelly Moore Capito of the State of West Virginia came to visit the Jamboree. They were greeted by a group of scouts from West Virginia and the Czech Republic.
I had the chance to meet the Senators and it was a great experience. Both of the Senators were very kind and even though their time was limited, they spoke with us and got to know each of us. Both participated in scouting as youth and Senator Manchin spoke about the strong friendships fostered in the scouting program. One interesting fact for the Czech scouts: Ancestors of Senator Manchin resided in Ostrava (Czech Republic)!
After this introduction, both Senators went to the Big Zip. They were even brave enough to ride it all the way down. Based on the videos and photos they shared on social media, we are glad to say that they enjoyed their time here at Summit Bechtel Reserve.
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