Time to relax a bit
Over the last week and a bit, I have found myself constantly doing high energy activities, so I took a day to relax a bit. So I spent the day with friends, being lazy and walking around. My “Lazy day”, turned into the longest amount of walking I have done all camp. I walked from D campsite, to C campsite, to F, to C, to D, to A.
After trekking around the campsite all day, we finally took a break and just had a lovely nap under a tree. As time went by, we realised it was time to head off to dinner. So up we got and we walked all the way to A site for dinner with some Malaysian friends.
Little did we know, they invited 3 other contingent troops! So we had Malaysians, Australians, Americans, Polish and English folk at the dinner!! It was so cool. I was so distracted by all the fascinating conversations and card games, I completely forgot to take photos. I did get one with an American though.
Not only was the dinner amazing, but they gave a present to say thank you for coming to the dinner which was so sweet. The Malaysian leader and all the Scouts there are so kind, caring and loving and it was absolutely awesome to be apart of that experience.