The #scoutjamboree has finally begun! I never imagined I would have the opportunity to expierence the cultures of so many different countries! Did you know that some Germany contingents brought their own special tents so they could feel more at home? Or that the Dutch use small ceramic shoes as neckerchief slides? Not only that, but countries have many names for the same items. What one person would recognize as a neckerchief is a scarf or necker. It is so interesting to learn about these subtle differences in culture, and to find ways to overcome these language and cultural barriers!

After a full day of exploring the Summit Bechtel Reserve, I met ambassadors from all around the world as we prepared to march into the stadium for the flag ceremony! Shoutout to the #WSJGA ambassadors from Austria, Italy, Poland, and Australia! You all made this incredible experience even more life changing! After the ceremony, I listened from backstage as Bear Grills spoke to all 60,000+ scouts in attendance, and watched in awe at the choreographed drone light show that sparkled above us in the night sky. Safe to say that I won’t ever forget that incredible start to an impactful journey. 

As I waited in lines and met new people, I traded various items with scouts from other countries. Every time I trade with a scout from a specific country for the first time, I have them sign this neckerchief! So many signatures already! Look out for me around camp! I’m always eager to trade neckerchiefs, patches, novus contact information, and anything else your country may have to offer! 

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel: Zytopian for special videos of the world jamboree experience every once in a while! I really hope you experience good this around with me.

A photo of the neckerchief that I have people from countries I have never traded with before sign!

Me (on the right) as well as ambassadors from Poland (on the left) and from Austria (in the middle) preparing to carry the flags of various countries into the AT&T Stadium! We became great friends along the way!

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