The Global Ambassadors
A Jamboree later, I’m glad I didn’t.
Today we had our Ambassadors closing ceremony and I realised for the first time just how much this programme has accomplished. We’ve reached out to the 99.991% of scouts worldwide who couldn’t be with us at the jamboree. We’ve met people from different cultures and backgrounds and instantly bonded with them. Most of my closest friends at the jamboree, like me, wear a massive pin (or as Mike called it, a plate). So today, seeing all 155 of us together and being awarded our Global Ambassador neckers, applauding the staff for their amazing dedication and support, and congratulating each other on all our hard work was special.
Being an ambassador has taught me a lot and has given me loads of opportunities to experience unforgettable things at the jamboree (such as ziplining through the morning mist) so that i can convey these experiences to you guys.
I have so many new memories with my global ambassador family: from wondering if the opening ceremony was actually happening with Maya, to tackling an escape room with an amazing team and spending the afternoon with Selim chatting to some American visitors, to sitting next to Toby at the ceremony and joking around and chatting before and after it (and finally getting an Aussie necker from him!).
The global ambassadors are a special group, not because of our privileges, or because of our role, but because of the amazing group of people that make this team. It’s been an honour to be a part of it!
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