Today my group set one goal for the day: to share our Canadian culture and kindness with the world. I started off my day with the other global ambassadors, we were given the opportunity to speak personally over Skype with Drew Morgan on the ISS and ask him questions that we found interesting. I was proud to tell him that I came from Canada! I asked him about whether they can catch a simple cold, and if they take the same medications as we do on earth, and it turns out… he does!

After our encounter with the ISS my troupe and I headed to the “Centro Mondiale” which is a small town built up of food tents from different countries as well as activities revolving around different cultures. We found a tent with a world map and we each placed a pin where our home towns were. There weren’t all that many pins on Canada so we were happy to fill up the map with our Canadian pride! Jessie (a very enthusiastic member of our troop) posed for a photo with our towns pin on the map.

My troop and I decided that we couldn’t call this a real Canadian day unless we checked out the sugar shack, the Canadian food tent. Of course every item on the menu had something to do with maple syrup. What can I say, us Canadians do love our maple syrup! I tried the maple syrup snow cone and it was amazing. It reminded me of times when I visited Quebec and had maple syrup popsicles. I can strongly recommend that you try putting maple syrup over ice, it is amazing!

The lovely sugar staff shack let us take a photo with them and they were super friendly. Our day came to an end when my patrol cooked some delicious pasta for our unit, and we all talked about our favourite parts of the day. Mine was definitely skypeing with the ISS, since I was able to represent Canada on a universal scale. (Get it!)

From yours truly,


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