Go For a Dive at The Pools!
Take the dive and try SCUBA at the Pools on Thrasher Mountain!
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (S.C.U.B.A) diving is available to all Scouts at Thrasher Mountain during the 24th World Scout Jamboree. No experience necessary; anyone can try the sport with 170 instructors and staff from 37 different countries. This is an “experience” activity and the staff will teach you the basics of how to breathe and strap the bouyancy compensator device (BCD). Every participant will receive a fresh mouth piece for use during their session.
Changing rooms for youth and adult scouts are available, with a self bag check before you begin your SCUBA adventure. As you wait your turn for the pool, the friendly staff will be counting you off under the tent. If you are at the end of the line, you’ll get a special item to hold onto until you get to the showers. On Sunday it was Dory, the blue fish from Finding Nemo!
Once you’ve gotten to the showers, you are next to jump into the pool. Everyone should shower off – you’ll welcome the refreshing, cool break after a typical warm day at the jamboree. The guide will lead you to one of the four pools for your briefing before getting to enter the pool. Bob Kahn, SCUBA admin leader tells us there are 6 instructors and 1 dive master for each pool, each able to accommodate up to 8 participants – up to 640 per hour, and 46,080 for the duration of Jamboree!
Each of the 4 pools contain 100,000 gallons of water and took 2 weeks to fill. At a depth of 4 feet, or 1.20 meters, any participant can experience the thrill of gliding through the water without having to surface for air. So bring your swimsuit and towel, and join the SCUBA staff to try out this unique extreme sport!
SCUBA is open 8:00 am – 5:00 pm each day, closed on Friday, July 26 for Cultural Day.
Also in the area, The Sea Scouts informational booth is for your sailing and on-water interests. Sea Scouts is a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) program for youth 14-20 years of age.
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