Calling all Rovers to the 24th World Scout Jamboree!
Come join the Rover Brigade, a fun group of IST (International Service Team) from all over the world, ranging from ages 18 to about 25, helping make this the most energetic jamboree yet.
If you are from one of the three host countries, check out the Puma Patrol! This section of the Rover Brigade is for those from Canada, USA, and Mexico, who love to socialize with scouts and bring energy and excitement to every part of the jamboree experience. As a member of Puma, you will be the face of the Jamboree—serving as magnetic emcees in base camp celebrations and stadium shows, and leading participants on hikes to explore the jamboree site. Puma Patrol will run social hangouts spots around the Jamboree, such as at the Puma Den in World Point, the headquarters of all the National Scout Organizations (NSO).
And any rover can be a part of BP Corps, a group of 300 IST from all over world, working together to keep the jamboree running smoothly. This is the perfect spot for Rover scouts who love to take action to handle any challenge that comes their way, while making international friends in the process. BP Corps will serve as the quick reaction team to a variety of projects across the site.
Together Puma Patrol and BP Corps will make up the Rover Brigade, a great group of young adult IST at the forefront of the participant and IST experience, dedicated to making this the best world scout jamboree. So, check out Puma Patrol or BP Corps when requesting your role for the 24th World Scout Jamboree and come “Unlock a New World” with us in 2019!
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