Rest & Relaxation for ISTs
Several thousand IST are getting up everyday to ensure that everyone has an amazing experience and to keep the systems of the jamboree going. Although the IST members wake up early everyday and stay up late, they are able to enjoy the World Scout Jamboree just as much as the participants and everyone else does. If you visit Echo Base Camp, you can see right away that the IST are having the best time ever. People are swapping badges, eating ice cream, dancing, and meeting new people. The different buildings in Echo Base Camp, like the Chat & Chew, are a great place to meet new people and discover different cultures. Also, the trading of badges and neckerchiefs is an important part of the IST’s jamboree experience, and therefore some of the tables at the Chat & Chew are full of badges from all over the world. People can walk by to look at the selection of badges, and try to trade. Next to the large white tents, the big grass areas are transformed into playing fields and arenas, where people from all over the world come together to play games like frisbee, soccer, and catch. There is something for everyone and there is no room for anything other than happiness. When the dancing and singing starts, everyone feels the positivity and the openness of the Scouting spirit.
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