Overnight Contingent Arrival
Scouts have been arriving at the Summit all day long and it even continues when the sun goes down. All night long, people have been getting registered and welcomed to join the WSJ. Many helpful IST members were willing to take a night shift to help with the effort by jumping on the arriving buses to give the participants and their leader the necessary information. The welcome team tells them everything about the Novus, WSJ app, and information about the campsite. After the speech, the scouts are ready to enjoy the Jamboree.
Meanwhile, the leaders fill out a health questionnaire for their contingents. If someone does not feel well or has a medical problem, the bus gets pulled aside and medics make sure everyone is safe to enter the Summit. This is a way of avoiding Summit-wide health issues. When the bus gets an all clear and everybody feels well, the bus drives each contingent to the assigned site. Although the volunteers sacrificed valuable sleep to be awake 22:00-05:00, they say it is worth helping other scouts.
The overnight arrival is not only an adventure for the volunteers, but also for the participants. An Icelandic boy told us that he had no problem arriving at night, as he could sleep on the bus. He noted that putting up the tents at 04:00 was not ideal because everyone was exhausted. Although they were told to go to sleep immediately, they were too excited to sleep!
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