My journey to the jamboree – IST perspective
Post Camp Blues
You’re probably wondering why they’re thinking about post camp blues, if you have never been on an international scout camp before you”ll be thinking what are they on about. Yes I can say it definitely say it is very real.
Whilst onsite we are surrounded by 45,000 Scouts from 150 countries around the world. We can then share cultures, experiences and beliefs by having one goal in common. Scouting that is the reasons we all are here weather we are participants, International Service Team (IST) Jamboree Planning Team (JPT) and Continent Management Team (CMT).
At the Jamboree we have a different lifestyle while we are here. As an IST we are up at 5am in order for us to get to our jobs and we have to have breakfast and collect our lunch then get on a bus or walk to our activities. Which makes my routine at home in my experience I work 8-5 at home and I have a 10/15 minuet drive to work. At the Jamboree I am up at 5am so I can go and have breakfast and then collect my dinner as well as over 1,000 IST,JPT & CMT. I then will set off to work at 715 and get there just before 8am then we spend half the day at the base and the other half out content collecting then walking home which makes a day about 25,000 steps
Before the jamboree I started on my fitness journey in January where I made a rough target of where I wanted to be by December 2019. In January it started by cutting the rubbish out of my diet and going to the gym more, I then found a love in Body combat fitness classes. Which I carry on doing 2 a week and doing 6k steps a day. Since coming to the jamboree I have relaxed the type of food I am eating but I have upped the amount of walking and water I am doing. Before I came I had lost just short of 2 Stone. When I go back home I will then continue to walk and workout.
Jamboree is about making new friends from varying countries. I have made a range of friends while being at Jamboree from many different places which I will try and keep in contact with. My last international was World Scout Moot, the people I met there I have kept in contact with them and have been on days out and holidays with them. I hope to do this will the people I have met out here.
Share your story
After coming home, which we all do not want to think about as it will hit us like a ton of bricks ( will myself anyway) therefore allow yourself time to go through all your photos and memories and compile what you would like to share with people some things will only make sense if you were there. You can then go round to units sharing what have brought back from the jamboree and any
Next Adventure
After processing what an amazing experience I have had in America I then will think about my next adventure. This could be in a range of events through taking my own scouts away to international in the UK or overseas. On a personal level for myself I could the apply to go on IST on world scout moot, UK based ones and then the next world scout jamboree.
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