Leadership and Scouting at GLOBE
Visit GLOBE behind the AT&T Summit Stadium to discover your leadership style. More than the online quick survey, you will get the opportunity to dig deeper with four different surveys to find your leadership qualities within the areas of Primary, Identity, Experiential, and Path-Goal. Once the individual leadership questions are answered, the team will take a group survey together. The surveys are followed by the escape room activity.
Different cultures identify with different leadership qualities. While many are similar and overlap, there are a few that are particular to a country or region. At GLOBE, learn about the different programs around the world for Scouting leadership.
Matthew Mann from Global Culture Engagement Programming at GLOBE, tells us six youth advisors from around the world were elected to assist with the project here at the Jamboree. Diana Carrillo Tiburcio (Mexico), Mori Chi-kin Cheng (Hong Kong), Julius Kramer (Sweden), Edgar Marumbu (Kenya), Martin Meier (Liechtenstein) and Amal Ridene (Tunisia) are the advisors to the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), holding their office for three years. They were asked about leadership qualities in their home country and Scout units and about the challenges they face as a leader. Their answers helped form the GLOBE program.
Dr. Rich Whitney, Associate Professor, Program Chair, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership, and a member of the Order of the Arrow from the University of La Verne, lent his expertise to the GLOBE experience at Jamboree. “Leadership isn’t just local, it’s global,” he said. There are overreaching leadership qualities that apply to all cultures.
The team at GLOBE explains that the timed activity of an escape room can reveal the leadership of a person. The World Scout Jamboree is fortunate to have Bryson Schroeder, who brought his escape room knowledge to West Virginia. Participants will be assigned to one of the three 30 minute escape rooms; each room themed with intricate puzzles to unravel. Your leadership style will direct how you approach the room, as well as how well the group in the room works as a team.
The GLOBE Program is at the Scott Summit Center, west of the AT&T Stadium stage. Check the official WSJ19 app for more information.
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