Jamboree Model UN
The Model UN activity provided Scouts the opportunity to participate in a three day simulation of United Nations sessions. Within the six committees, each participant acted as delegate from a country, often not the country from which she/he came. Over the three days, the delegates participated in debates and learned about writing, public speaking, and democracy while engaging with Scouts from other cultures.
Matthew Tweden, Boy Scouts of America, enjoyed his role as delegate for Mali. He said, “The ability to sit down and talk with such a group of different experiences and personal views on things is incredible.” Matthew has participated in Model UN simulations with the Boy Scouts of America in the past but this was his first with international participants.
The acting Model UN Secretary General, Jessica Tornell from Scouts Mexico, explained her interest in taking on the role. “When I was in high school I went to a couple of Model UNs as a delegate and as a committee director and I really enjoyed the opportunities to learn and make new friends,” she said.
Three years ago, Jessica helped to organize the first Model UN for Scouts of Mexico.
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