Jamboree is about to end in a few days… but it feels like we just got here! And all the people we’ve already met and all the people we’re about to meet… how the heck are we supposed to keep track of all of them?! And they get all mixed up in our social media followers… but, of course, the jamboree crew thought of that as well … let me present to you an app called “NOVUS”.

It helps you keep track of the points you collect with going on activities, clicking with new people and pretty much living the jamboree life as full as you can. You can also check the lines for certain activities, so you won’t wait for too long.Oh, and it serves as a good party light at the concerts!

My favorite thing Novus can help you with, is keeping track of all of the new people you meet. Just met someone interesting and you don’t have your phone with you to exchange contacts? No problem! Just click the little button on your wrist or necker and bam! They’re in your contacts. And their social media is listed on their profile, so you can contact them without a problem!

Some people just want it for points at times… but if you add only the ones you actually met and talked to, the app will help so much! I’ve met so many people here so far and I for sure never had to reach in my bag and search for my phone.

Oh, and another thing! You can still access the contacts for 6 months after Jamboree! Gotta say this movies app makes the whole Jamboree/meeting new people/having fun a whole lot easier!

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