World Scouting Jamboree Logo

IST Safety and Emergencies

As ISTs we have an important duty to our participants. Please familiarize yourself with the following emergency plans, procedures, and reminders. These sections are listed below for your convenience.

The following sections also include important reminders not found in other sections of this guidebook.

Jamboree Code of Conduct

Jamboree leadership and stewards staff will be enforcing the Jamboree Code of Conduct. If ISTs see behavior that violates this code, we should step forward, stop the behavior, and contact a nearby Steward. As mentors and role models, we cannot simply walk past bullying, substance abuse, or possession of prohibited items.

Important Reminders:

  • Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are not permitted at the World Scout Jamboree.
  • Tobacco is not allowed for youth. Adult leaders should support the attitude that we all are better off without tobacco products. The use of tobacco by visitors, IST, and leaders is restricted to designated areas, away from youth.
  • Electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, and electronic nicotine delivery systems that simulate tobacco smoking are NOT permitted on- site at all. Tobacco is not allowed for anyone under 18.
  • It is unacceptable for anyone to use or be under the influence of medical marijuana at or during any Jamboree activity.

Other Items not allowed: drones, bikes, and long knives (no longer than 3 inches or 7.6 centimeters).

Safe From Harm

As the first line of protection for our youth participants, all ISTs must be proactive in looking for any indication of Safe From Harm violations.

All Safe From Harm incidents, no matter how minor, should be addressed immediately. Adults will refer to their Safe From Harm training while youth members will go to an adult for help and support. Incidents require documentation to ensure that concerns are addressed and kept track of. Leadership will determine whether the corrective action is sufficient and address any ongoing problem areas. Major incidents will be escalated to the proper teams to manage (including youth or adults in possession of controlled substances), as well as major incidents that may require police or other emergency services.


  • Stop the behavior/abuse immediately.
  • Separate the involved parties.
  • Call the Jamboree Emergency Line for assistance: (+1) 304-465-2900.
  • Listening Ear stations and all medical facilities are ready to assist you.
  • Staff at subcamp and base camp headquarters also are well trained to respond.

It is our job as adult leaders to protect youth and adults. If you have any concern regarding Safe From Harm violations or procedures, please contact the Jamboree Emergency Line: (+1) 304-465-2900.

Off-Limits Areas

  • Jamboree stewards in marked vests will support security throughout the jamboree. They will be on foot and in marked vehicles. The following areas are off limits during the Jamboree:
  • All areas outside of the base camps from 22:00 to 07:00
  • All program areas outside of Scott Summit Center from 17:00 to 08:00
  • All lakes, program loop access roads, and perimeter trails during nondaylight hours
  • Wooded areas located in or adjacent to base camps during nondaylight hours
  • Any unattended facilities

Any registered IST, leader, or participant found attempting to violate these rules will be taken to jamboree headquarters and be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to removal from the Jamboree.

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