International Service Team Arrival and Departure
Now is the time to make sure that your arrival and departure plans are confirmed!
Please note that information here is presented as general guidance for all IST, and you should confirm your individual travel needs with your staff leadership.
Register your travel plans now with Transportation Management Services (TMS)
All IST are required to preregister their arrival and departure plans with TMS (Transportation Management Services) even if you’re traveling via personal transportation; this will ensure that the Registration Team is prepared to process your arrival and transport you to the jamboree site in a timely fashion. After reviewing this information and confirming your arrival and departure dates with your staff team leadership, use this online form to register your travel plans with TMS. Unscheduled arrivals will result in delays at check-in; please schedule even if you are providing your own transportation.
Arriving at the World Scout Jamboree
Most International Service Team members should plan to arrive between 08:00 and 22:00 on Thursday 18 July 2019, Friday 19 July 2019, or Saturday 20 July 2019, as directed by your leadership. Most IST will be able to depart the jamboree on Friday 2 August 2019, after 13:00, or on Saturday 3 August 2019.
All IST should plan to arrive prior to the North American contingent arrival date of Sunday, 21 July 2019 to alleviate congestion during the check-in process at the Ruby Welcome Center. This will also enable IST to help welcome contingents as they arrive and get settled on the jamboree site.
International Service Team arrival and check-in schedule:
- Before 17 July 2019: With advance permission only
- 17 July 2019: Between 08:00 – 20:00, with advance permission only
- 18 July 2019: Starting at 08:00, open all day and all night
- 19 July 2019; Open all day and all night
- 20 July 2019: Open all day and all night
- 21 July 2019: With advance permission only; all IST should be on-site before contingents from Canada, Mexico, and the United States arrive this day.
Area and Team Leads will notify those IST required to arrive earlier than 18 July 2019, and arrangements will have to be made for pick-up from the official points of entry.
Use official World Scout Jamboree entry points
Please note that there are three official World Scout Jamboree entry points:
Air Travel:
- Yeager Airport (CRW) / Charleston, WV
- Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) / Charlotte, NC
Rail Travel:
- Prince Amtrak Train Station (PRC) / Prince, WV
IST are responsible for their own transportation to and from their home to one of the three official World Scout Jamboree entry points. Transportation arrival and departure shuttle times to the Ruby Welcome Center from the three official entry points will be scheduled with the IST in advance. IST arriving by personal transportation will also need to schedule arrival and departure times. Transportation from locations other than the three official World Scout Jamboree entry points is not available.
Check in at the Ruby Welcome Center
All arrival transportation will stop at the Ruby Welcome Center, where you will be checked-in to the jamboree.
J.W. and Hazel Ruby WV Welcome Center
55 Hazel Ruby Lane
Mt. Hope, WV 25880
If you are arriving through one of the three official entry points, you can schedule transportation from the entry point to the Ruby Welcome Center; the shuttle will drop you off there. Upon arrival, you will remove your personal gear from the shuttle and check in at the welcome center. Once you have checked in, a different shuttle will take you and your gear onto the jamboree property to your base camp.
If you are arriving via personal transportation, please travel directly to the Ruby Welcome Center. You will be directed to park outside the welcome center. Leave your personal gear in your vehicle, and proceed into the welcome center to begin the check-in process. Once you have checked in, you will be directed to long-term parking, and a shuttle will take you and your gear onto the jamboree property to your base camp.
Departing from the World Scout Jamboree
Your departure information must be registered with TMS after you have confirmed your individual departure date and time with your National Scouting Organization (NSO) and your work supervisor. IST should not plan on leaving the jamboree before 13:00 on Friday, 2 August 2019 without specific permission from your staff team leadership. When you are departing, please do the following steps:
Departing by Personal Vehicle
Two hours prior to your assigned departure time from the Summit Bechtel Reserve, you will need to have all of your belongings packed and removed from your tent. One hour prior to your assigned departure time, you will report to your base camp HQ with your belongings and will officially check out of camp by submitting your signed checkout form. You will be directed to your assigned pickup location to be transported off‐site. Please ensure you are in your assigned staging area (designated for personal vehicles) and confirm that the destination sign on the shuttle bus matches your vehicle parking lot.
Departing by Air or Rail Travel
Four hours prior to your assigned departure time from the Summit Bechtel Reserve, you will need to have all of your belongings packed and removed from your tent. Three hours prior to your assigned departure, you will report to your base camp HQ to officially check-out of camp by submitting your signed checkout form. You will be directed to your assigned pickup location to be transported off‐site. Please ensure you are in your assigned staging area (designated air travel) and confirm that the destination sign on the shuttle bus matches your destination location.
Please schedule your airport shuttle service carefully, with all considerations in mind.
Any questions?
First, check with your staff team leadership for specific guidance concerning your personal arrival and departure schedule. If you have questions about the transportation process, please read the Transportation Frequently Asked Questions.
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