Horoscope Thursday
Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
Today is one of those days where you need to tie your shoes. You should really tie them carefully. If not, there is a big chance that you will step on one of your shoelaces and trip. You will possibly skin your knee or hand. Then the wound will be full of dust and small rocks, and it will hurt when it needs to be cleaned. Not fun, absolutely no fun.
Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
Are you going to take a walk today, outside of your subcamp? If it is getting dark, there is a chance that you might see a bear. However, I understand that bears tend to leave you alone when you sing. Maybe a song from the movie Brother Bear might be a good choice? I believe that you will see a bear because a star called Little Bear is affecting your starsign today.
Aries: March 21st – April 19th
A meteor shower is moving in a way that makes me think of spiders. Did you know that there are poisonous spiders at the Summit? Of course, there are also non-venomous spiders here. It is still super annoying to get a big spider inside your tent. So today, I would suggest that you remember to close at least the net-door in your tent. Or Peter the spider might pop by.
Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
The Jamboree is coming to an end. Did you meet some people you really liked? Today would be the day to go and meet them one last time. Or maybe meet a new friend and click with them using your Novus. Just imagine, like 15 years ago, you would not have been able to keep in touch with people from the other side of the world this easily. But today you can! According to a very brightly shining star, I believe that you will be able to keep in touch with some of the awesome people you have met.
Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
I would suggest that you share some snacks with your friends today. They could really use a snack break and maybe a bit of time in the shade (so could you). But their happiness will make you feel way more happier than you would have, if you had eaten all of the snack yourself.
Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
Do you know how to say butterfly in different languages? Maybe one day you will need to say butterfly in a language other than your own. Today is the day you should go out and learn how to say this random word in as many languages as possible. It will be fun, for sure. If you manage to do it, you might end up finding something beautiful to swap.
Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
Are you wearing glasses? A star flew right next to the eye of your starsign earlier today. I believe this means that you might end up with something in your eye. Maybe gunpowder, maybe dust, maybe an insect. It is unknown. But you should definitely wear your glasses or maybe some sunglasses today.
Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
Today is the day you should snap some pictures at the camp, and maybe some selfies. It will make you feel very joyful when the camp is over and you are back home doing what you usually do. I believe today is the perfect day to take pictures because a star close to your starsign looks kind of like a flash.
Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
Maybe today is the day you should learn a new skill. Do you know how to whistle, take good photos, shuffle cards, do a hand stand…? Some of your new friends might be able to do something you cannot. Today, it will be really easy for you to learn these things. As long as you remember to brush your teeth this morning. Otherwise, you might be really unlucky when trying to do the hand stand and break a tooth.
Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
If you eat meat today, you might end up biting down hard on your tongue. Really hard. It will hurt. But luckily, you can avoid it by being nice to the environment and eating vegetables instead of meat. And you know, humans are not built to eat as much meat as we do now anyways.
Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
I know that there are only few hours left of the Jamboree, but you should probably still do some laundry. At least wash one shirt, so you do not smell bad. On the plus side, if you smell really bad, you will scare of most bears (and they are attracted by trash).
Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
Did you lose something? One of the stars in your starsign has gone missing. But do not worry, if you lost something there is a good chance that a really nice scout has found it and handed it over to The Lost & Found. And if you have not lost something, there might be a chance that you will lose something today. One smart trick is to take a picture of your name-tag and save it on your phone as a screen-saver. Then the people who finds your phone will know that it is yours.
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