Head of Contingent Meeting 2
The office of the 24th World Scout Jamboree is pleased to share the following information regarding the second Head of Contingent Meeting. Meeting and hotel costs will be available in October 2018.
Head of Contingent (HOC) #2 will take place in Charleston WV, USA. The meeting begins with lunch on 12 April 2019 and concludes with dinner on 13 April 2019.
An optional, pre-meeting tour of the Summit Bechtel Reserve is available on 11 April. The tour of the Summit is not required and will involve additional fees for meals and round-trip transportation from official meeting hotels.
Official meeting hotel is the Charleston Marriott Town Center (Charleston, WV). Hotel reservations are not included in the Head of Contingent meeting fee and must be made individually by participants. Dedicated hotel reservation websites with special meeting rates will open in September 2018.
The official meeting hotels (Marriott Town Center) will provide courtesy airport transfers to and from Charleston Yeager airport (airport code CRW) in Charleston, WV.
Meeting Schedule
10 April 2019
Travel day for optional Summit Bechtel Tour attendees
11 April 2019
Optional Summit Bechtel Tour
Travel day for Head of Contingent Meeting 2 attendees
12 April 2019
Opening Session with lunch at 12:00 EST
13 April 2019
Closing Session with evening meal
14 April 2019
Travel Day for all meeting attendees
Save the dates, begin planning for your National Scout Organization to send delegates, and watch for more details in coming months.
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