Greetings from North America
On behalf of the three hosting countries for the 24th World Scout Jamboree, we wanted to take the opportunity to invite Scouts and leaders from member National Scout Organizations of WOSM to “Unlock a New World.” The 24th World Scout Jamboree will immerse you in the North American experience while you share your culture with youth from around the globe. We are committed to helping our 24th World Scout Jamboree management team offer life-changing experiences that will help Scouts develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual lives, united by the Scout Promise and Law.
We are excited that the event will unite the world’s young people to promote peace, mutual understanding, and respect—all in a warmly embracing jamboree experience. Our goal as planners is to create a jamboree that is built on the pillars of friendship, experience and adventure. Our challenge to you is to support the jamboree at every opportunity possible—in your town, your Scout unit, and within your NSO! As you do so, you will be helping us celebrate global diversity as well as an appreciation that the things that make us different really join us together as part of the world Scouting movement.
With all that will be offered, we firmly believe that the World Scout Jamboree experience will help all Scouts discover and embrace solutions to the challenges that affect our increasingly shrinking global village. We hope you will accept this invitation and challenge to join us July 22 through August 2, 2019 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve for the next World Scout Jamboree.
Michael Surbaugh
Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America
Andrew Price
Executive Commissioner and CEO (Commissaire general et directeur général), Scouts Canada
José Luis Cárdenas Cortés
Jefe Scout Nacional, Asociación de Scouts de México
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