Travel to the #ScoutJamboree with #FlatBP
The jamboree fun begins the moment you leave your home and start to travel to West Virginia. As your unit starts their travel adventure, bring Chief Scout of the World Lord Baden-Powell along with you! B-P loved jamborees, and we know he’d love to be a part of our jamboree, too.
It’s easy:
1. Download the “Flat B-P” image and print it out on a color printer. Cut him out along the red dotted line. You might want to back him with some cardstock for strength, and laminate him to keep him safe.
2. As your unit travels, take photos of him with you and you friends. What sort of adventures can you have with B-P?
3. Share those photos on your social media. Be sure to tag the photos with #FlatBP and #ScoutJamboree so we can all follow along!
Let’s see how many places we can get B-P to visit before we all rendezvous at The Summit on 22 July!
Safe travels to your unit and #FlatBP!