Cultural Day – Unity Show ARUBA
Friday July 26th at the World Scout Jamboree 2019
Hi Jamboree, I’m Aaron Arenas from Aruba, One Happy Island
On Friday July 26th was the awesome Cultural Day and the Unity Show that was AMAZING!!!!
On cultural day Aruba did a food called “Funchi hasa cu Keshi” and a dessert “Bolo di Pruim” , I’m so happy to say that All the Food was gone.
After that I went exploring around and tasting foods, sweets and taking pictures with so many scouts around the world! 
At night my Aruba Contingent begin walking to the AT&T Stadium at 18:30 so we could get a good and awesome spot for the Unity Show. At the Unity Show we learned some cultural dances, rituals, songs, dresses and so much more from other countries in the world.
But the BIG surprise was the Broadway Disney Edition, that was the biggest highlight of the night that we enjoyed every single minute of it! I’m really excited for the closing ceremony I’m thinking it will be The Bomb!
Just a friendly reminder follow my Aruba Contingent on :
Facebook : WSJ 2019 Aruba Contingent
Instagram : @wsjarubacontingent
#WSJGA #ScoutJamboree #ScoutingAruba