Contingent Arrival and Departure
As National Scout Organizations develop plans for traveling to and from the Summit Bechtel Reserve, site of the 24th World Scout Jamboree (WSJ), there are a few key items to keep in mind regarding arrivals and departures.
- WSJ transportation will be provided for Contingents only from the following Official Points of Entry Charlotte Douglas International Airport (Charlotte, North Carolina – 226 miles/ 364 km), Charleston Yeager Regional Airport, (Charleston, West Virginia – 66 miles/ 106 km) & Amtrak (Prince, West Virginia – 11 miles/ 18 km); If you are arriving at any of these three official Points of Entry transportation will be provided to your contingent and coordinated by Transportation Management Services (TMS).
- Transportation from all other locations for travel to and from the Summit will be the responsibility of the NSO. Their contracted commercial carrier will be provided the necessary information to coordinate arrival times and locations for the World Scout Jamboree. TMS can provide competitive quotes for all transportation for pre- and post-jamboree as well as to and from the jamboree. Their web site is at www.tms.com
- Official Arrival Day is Monday 22 July. All arrivals must be scheduled with the Transportation Team of the World Jamboree. Arrivals prior to the scheduled time will not be permitted.
- In all cases Contingents will be provided scheduling information and will receive a specific arrival time.
- At the end of the 24th World Scout Jamboree contingents will depart via scheduled departure times again set by the Jamboree Transportation Team. NSOs will schedule their departures based on their itinerary after the Jamboree. There is no provision for late departures after Friday 2 August. All NSO’s are expected to depart as per the schedule provided by the Jamboree Transportation Team.
- Each NSO will be receiving a communication from the Jamboree Transportation Team regarding your arrival and departure plans. Specific scheduling will be done individually with each NSO.
- Reach the Transportation Team at transportation@gmail.com
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