Container Management
As was the case in past World Jamborees, many National Scout Organizations have indicated that they will be using shipping containers to send equipment and materials to the Jamboree site in advance of the World Scout Jamboree. As NSOs prepare to ship containers to the Summit Bechtel Reserve, here are the key things that you need to be aware of:
- The nearest shipping port is Port of Virginia – Norfolk. It is 375 miles/ 604 km from the Jamboree site. Other ports include Port of New York and New Jersey; Port of Savannah, Georgia; and Port of Charleston, South Carolina.
- Shipping containers must be a standard size of 20 feet in length – no exceptions. These containers must not require special equipment for loading and unloading.
- NSOs will be responsible for:
- The container while in transit;
- Meeting US Customs requirements, duty payment, Importer of Record requirements; and Bond responsibilities.
- Your shipping agent will assist you in determining which route and Port of Entry is most appropriate for you and in dealing with the associated paperwork required.
- Space at the Jamboree Site is limited and as such the container will stored in an area that is not near NSO headquarters, camping and food service areas.
- Container management is the responsibility of the NSO and only limited support will be available from the Jamboree staff regarding moving materials from the container to where they need to go.
- At the conclusion of the Jamboree NSOs are responsible for the packing, sealing and arranging for shipping of their containers back to their home country. All containers must be packed and shipped off the Jamboree site no later than Friday 9 Aug.
Additional information regarding containers and their use at the World Scout Jamboree will be made available soon. However, to accommodate those NSOs who are planning to ship containers please notify the Jamboree Transportation Team at wj19.transportation@gmail.com with a statement of intent and, if more than one 20-foot container, how many. This is a non-binding statement just one that helps us with the advance planning.
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