Climate and Weather Average for July
The month of July is characterized by essentially constant warm weather, with daily high temperatures around 79 degrees F/ 26.1 degrees C throughout the month, exceeding 85 F/29.4 C or dropping below 71 F/21.6 C only one day in 10. Daily low temperatures are around 62 F/16.6 C, falling below 53 F/11.7 C or exceeding 68 F/20 C only one day in 10.
Cloud Cover
The median cloud cover is 59 percent (partly cloudy) and does not vary substantially over the course of the month.
During the time of the jamboree, on any given day there is a 51 percent chance of precipitation. Throughout July, the most common forms of precipitation are thunderstorms, light rain, and moderate rain.
Relative Humidity
The relative humidity typically ranges from 55 percent (mildly humid) to 96 percent (very humid) over the course of a typical July, rarely dropping below 41 percent (comfortable) and reaching as high as 100 percent (very humid). The air is driest around July 1, at which time the relative humidity drops below 62 percent (mildly humid) three days out of four. It is most humid around July 20, rising above 94 percent (very humid) three days out of four.
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