Breathtaking views
July 24th, the day after the opening, a lot happened. I went of the biggest zip line in the world and I went scuba diving. Like i said before, the opening was yesterday evening. Everyone got together to celebrate the opening of the 24th World Scout Jamboree.
This picture was taken from a very special spot. It was taken in front of the podium were all the Global Ambassadors stood with the flags of their country. We had to represent our country in front of everyone and it was so awesome! From this position we could see everyone and i was very honored to be able to do this.
This photo is from the opening too. This part was so great because a lot of drones flew into a spot to form a projection which was really impressive.
Wow, just wow. That is what I thought when I was walking up to the Big Zip. The views were breathtaking.
This was also taken on the way to the Big Zip. Like I said, the views were breathtaking. I stopped a lot of times to take pictures. I will post a special blog about the zip line when I have downloaded the videos about it. It is the longest zip line in the world. As I went down, I felt so good. It was early in the morning so there was still a lot of fog. We went right through it. But as I said I’m going to post a special blog about it tomorrow.