Austrian scouts visit the Philippine contingent
July 25, 2019
A part of the Global Ambassador Program of the 24th World #ScoutJamboree is for ambassadors of different countries to have exchange dinners.
Today, since I am a member of the Eagle Troop of the Philippine Contingent, we will be hosting a dinner for one of the Global Ambassadors of Austria, Franzi, as well as her companion.
We were still preparing dinner when they arrived so we spent our time talking about both of our countries.
I learned that the language that is being spoken in Austria is German, unlike in our country, of course, it is Filipino.
One of our adult leaders, Sir David, gave both of the Austrian scouts the Carabao slide or the woggle that is being used by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines as a gift.
When dinner was ready, I also shared with them the practice of Filipinos wherein we usually pray before eating our meals.
After that, we all lined up to get our food. At the time, we were serving ham, sausage, veggies, rice, and perhaps the favorite instant noodles in the Philippines, Pancit Canton.
Our conversation together with other scouts and adult leaders continued as time passed by.
We taught each other how we fold our own neckerchiefs and according to them, this is how they fold theirs:
We also traded our contingent patches so I now have the one from Austria and Franzi has the one from the Philippines.
We were glad that they appreciated the food that we served for dinner.
We also exchanged our social media accounts to keep in touch with each other even when we come home.
And since it was also already getting late, the time has already come for them to leave, but we will never forget the learnings, time, and enjoyment we spent with each other.