24:th of July
Greetings from sunny West Virginia! The Jamboree has officially started and to mark the occasion, everyone gathered together last night at the Summit Stadium for our official opening ceremony! 50,000 people all gathered in one place to celebrate the beginning of the Jamboree.
As Ambasadors we had the honour of being our country’s flag bearers. Unfortunately only one of us would be holding Ireland’s flag. This led to an extremely tense and suspenseful game of rock paper scissors. Mark won the first but it was best out of three. After many draws Réitseal emerged victorious.
As some other countries didn’t have ambassadors Mark was chosen to represent Kenya.
Carrying the flag was an absolutely amazing experience, one that we’re struggling to find words to describe. The atmosphere was just electric and carrying the flags through the crowd had us both shaking with excitement. You could feel everyone’s energy flowing through you and the adrenaline pumping in your blood, We’re even now still jumping with excitement just thinking back on it.