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City: Singapore
Rank: Senior Patrol Leader
Favorite scouting experience: In 2017, my scout troop (01 Raffles Scout Group) went to Bintan, Indonesia for a 4D3N adventure camp. During one of the days, we were hiking through a forest and attempting to head back to base camp.
In Singapore, we only ever have ‘urban scouting’ and chances to experience the wilderness are fairly limited.To walk through an ACTUAL forest was already a novel experience for us. Halfway through, a thunderstorm began. Winds were blowing furiously and rain completely obscured our view. And we were out in the open plains and there was no way to seek shelter! Mosquitoes started to emerge from the underworld and mauled all of us ferociously – I think at one point there were about 10 biting me at once.
And still, we had no choice. We trudged on in the forest, completely drenched, completely savaged by mosquitoes and insects, our entire feet soaked in mud, through the mudlands and the mangroves, and somehow we successfully went back to the base camp. We were freezing, exhausted, maybe ‘shook’ but we all did something we had never done before! I will remember us laughing together in our pain for some time to come.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? The experience of seeing groups from all around the world coming together for a common purpose, and later to walk away with (many) a new friend found! It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? I would like to share as much as I know about Singapore and scouting. Scouting has transformed me and made me grow in many ways. I recognize that I am very fortunate to be able to go for such a wonderful experience, and I would like to share my story with as many people as possible.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Taiwan, Malaysia, US, Canada
Social Media:
Instagram: @wsj2019singapore