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City: Ciudad de Panamá
Favorite scouting experience: My favorite experience, from all events, is meeting people from different cultures and developing a family-like bond that breaks all the cultural and language barriers.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? The 2019 World Scout Jamboree is the first international event I’ve been to that has so much people, for so many days and in such a big place, so what I find most amazing is… everything? Yeah we could agree on that.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Because I love taking lots of pictures and documenting my experiences. And I’d love to be the one that shows everyone back at home how it’s like to participate in the World Scout Jamboree.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from?
The Netherlands
South Africa
Social Media:
Instagram: @lrujanoc