World Scouting Jamboree Logo
Global Ambassadors



Click here to see Alejandra’s posts.
City: León, Gto.
Rank: Coordinator
Favorite scouting experience: I think every event and experience is very special in it’s own way, but I really love events where you can make new friends, exchange ideas and participate in cultural activities. In Mexico there is a National event called EEAS (Encuentro de expresión y arte scout) that is just perfect for cultural exchange, that’s why it’s special for me.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? I am very excited about the 2019 WSJ because it’s a great opportunity to meet people from all around the world with different traditions and cultures. Learning about them and their countries it’s a unique and unforgettable experience. But at the same time knowing that we all share one thing in common, an unbreakable bond that trascends all limits.

Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? I want to serve as a Global Ambassador because I want to share with all Scouts the great experience of the Jamboree. I wish to provide as many content as I can, so that everyone can live the greatness of the Jamboree, make everyone part of the adventure is my goal., Because after all we are all parte of it! Also I am looking up to encourage the new generations of Scouts to go to the next Jamboree, because I am sure this experience will change our life time.

What countries would you like to meet scouts from?

Social Media:
Instagram: @2019wsj_ale_mex


Click here to see Daniela’s posts.
City: Aguascalientes
Favorite scouting experience: JamCam Ecuador 2017
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? Conocer nuevas culturas y crear amigos de todos los países
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Para poder compartir con los scouts de mi país como se vive el escultismo en diferentes partes de mundo.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Colombia, Reino Unido, Nueva Zelanda y Japón
Social Media:
Instagram: @dany_rm02


Click here to see Daniel’s posts.
City: Ciudad de Mexico
Rank: Live scout
Is this your first time traveling intertnationally? Yes.
Favorite scouting experience: Campamentos nacionales e internacionales
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? Conocer Otras culturas
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Para descubrir el Mundo y tender una vas para hacer un cambio en el
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Suisa Francia chile Argentina japon
Social Media:
Instagram: @dany.igv


Click here to see Berenice’s posts.
City: Cuernavaca
Is this your first time traveling intertnationally? Yes.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Porque es una experiencia en la que conoceré la cultura de la personas, donde podré aprender de ellas y ellas de mi
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Suecia