Elisavet Athina
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City: Athens
Rank: Rover
Favorite scouting experience: I really can’t tell, a lot of things have happend in this 10 years.The most unique one though and the only that can be considered “”international”” is from a summer camp. I think somewhere in the middle of it, some italian scouts came to the scout center we were in. Of course we wanted to spend some time together but none of them spoke english and none of us italian. I don’t know exactly how but we managed to comunicate. Well,we didn’t talk about life in our countries or scout experiences but we got to play and sing all together. It was the first (and only up to now) time i practically saw scouting is an international movement and something that motivated me to participate in the wsj.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? Meeting a lot of people and through them, visit their countries. I hope to talk with people from different countries about their cultures, how life and scouting is back home and tell them about my country to.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? Most of the people that will read the ambassador’s pages know that scouts don’t just help elderly people cross the street. I aim to show the ones not knowing what scouting is through one of its greatest events.I also want to show everyone around the world that wasn’t able to attend or is thining of attending on a next one, how the experience of a wsj is like. Finally, the global ambassadors program is a great opportunity to meet individuals from diferent countries all together, and experience some special things while being a participant.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Trinidad & Tobago,Namibia,Iceland,Cape Verde,Bhutan
Social Media:
Instagram: @elina_bbr
Facebook: 100010328160139