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City: Faroe Islands
Rank: Patrol Leader
Favorite scouting experience: An annual camp that is challenging, amazing and from where I have many great memories and experiences which I carry with me as a Scout. The weather is often horrible, which is one more challenge.
What are you most excited about for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree? Being a Global Ambassador because i don’t really know what it includes and how it will make my Jamboree experience different than the other’s. Other than that, I just think the Jamboree in itself. The activities, the friendships to be made and the friendships to be improved and how the conditions and the camp site will be different than what I am used to.
Why do you want to serve as a Global Ambassador? To make the difference I am capable of doing, whatever it will be. Spread the info on which exiting things we are experiencing at the 24th Jamboree. Create bonds and friendships across countries to create an international scouting network.
What countries would you like to meet scouts from? Some other Global Ambassadors that I have talked to on WhatsApp. Sweden, Mauritius, Ireland, Italy and some countries i don’t know so much about