A Taiwanese Unit from Tai-Chung arrived at Ruby Welcome Center at 11:00 on Monday, cheerful and ready for the Jamboree! They traveled 30 hours from Tai-Chung, through San Francisco, and Chicago to finally arrive in Charleston. All 36 youth and 4 leaders are excited and eager to get to camp and meet everyone. They are ready to experience everything Jamboree has to offer.

All the youth are from the Mingdao High School, which offers middle school, high school, vocational, and international programs. The school even offers a mandatory scout class. Mindao High School is located in Tai-Chung, in the western part of central Taiwan.


While the Jamboree offers many varieties of foods, most units will be cooking and preparing their own food at camp. The ingredients at camp will be different from what most scouts have at home. They practiced cooking before coming to The Summit. When asked what they cooked, one of the scouts Chin-Chia Yeh triumphantly replied “Scrambled Eggs!”

Happy cooking, and happy Jamboree!

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